You are about to discover the complete and definitive step-by-step guide to start reorganizing your finances, eliminating all debts (including the oldest ones), and finally preparing to earn and keep your money...
I'm going to show you a simple and little-known step-by-step process to get rid of your debts once and for all...
But before I say more about this, I need to give you a warning...
In Romans 13:8 it says:
"Owe no one anything except to love one another";
If this isn’t a strong enough reason for you to decide to get out of debt once and for all, I need to tell you the truth:
Either you follow the Word and learn to get out of debt once and for all, or you will never achieve financial success!
The good news I have for you is that
getting out of debt, even with a low income, is possible!
But the vast majority of people don't even know how to handle their basic personal finances. Many people don’t know how to negotiate with banks, credit cards, and creditors, and unfortunately, they get caught in a "snowball" where they become slaves to debt. This means they can’t stop working, they can't achieve financial peace because they have to pay off debts, and even though they work hard, it’s very likely they’ll never be able to get rid of them."
Thank God there is a simple yet effective way to organize yourself to get rid of debts, whether they are: oral debts, debts with family, credit card debt, overdraft, loans, payroll loans, or even if your name is tarnished with some institution.
De hecho, con este tutorial que estoy a punto de revelarte....
You will take the first and most important step toward
prospering financially...
In the Bible, in the book of the prophet Hosea, God says that:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
If you haven’t freed yourself from debt yet, lack of knowledge might be your case!
In this 100% online course, you will learn that much, if not almost everything, you had learned about managing your finances is WRONG.
If you are
financial life...
If you have been WAITING FOR GOD TO WORK A MIRACLE to get you out of debt...
If you are in debt, you might feel that you are shaming the Gospel and you don’t understand why God allowed you to reach this point...
If you have been tithing and offering at your church but still haven’t been able to get out of debt...
So this will be one of the most important messages you could receive today!
Here’s why:
I present to you the online course 'Preparation for the Mentorship of the Complete Program I Control My Finances.'